API Reference


Coming up next!

Administrative APIsDevelopers will soon be able to manage all things administration via REST API. We're starting off with managing Livechat assets and website configuration.

Released recently

Google Business MessagesDeprecated as Google has called off support for the channel
WhatsApp - ButtonsYou can now append WhatsApp Buttons and corresponding interactive responses using the 'Create conversation' and 'Append messages' endpoint.
Attempt gateway deliveryDeliver outbound messages to the end customer in addition to the system appending them to the conversation on WxEngage.
Fetch the list of skillsFetch the list of skills within a team of your tenant and subsequently transfer conversations.
Fetch the list of teamsFetch the list of teams within your tenant and subsequently transfer conversations.
Transfer conversationRoute conversations to a Team's queue or a Skill queue using the Transfer endpoint
Create conversation requests honor Routing RulesCreate conversation requests to honor the routing rules configured in the 'Intelligent Routing' screen. The webhook event: conversation:created now surfaces a param - routedTo that lets developers know the destination (Team ID and Skill ID) the conversation was routed to
Custom fieldsAbility to pass 'Custom Fields' (scope: conversation and profile) via the Create conversation and Update conversation methods and leverage them to route conversations using conditions defined in the Routing rules
Administrative APIsDevelopers will soon be able to manage all things administration via REST API. We're starting off with managing Livechat assets and website configuration.