JUMP TOCTRL-/EngageGetting startedChangelogSupported message types by channelMessage SchemasSMS message schemaFBM message schemaLivechat message schemaEmail message schemaWhatsApp message schemaAMB message schemaAPI message schemaResponse OperationsCallbacksAuthorizationAuthorizationpostConversationsSearch conversationpostCreate conversationpostUpdate conversationpatchTransfer conversationpostFetch conversation transcriptgetFetch conversation notesgetMessagesAppend messagepostDelete message(s)deleteParticipantsAdd participantpostRemove participantdeleteFetch list of current participantsgetGroups(TBD) Fetch list of Groupsget(TBD) Create a Grouppost(TBD) Fetch a Group's detailsget(TBD) Update a Grouppatch(TBD) Delete a GroupdeleteTeams(TBD) Fetch list of Teamsget(TBD) Create a Teampost(TBD) Fetch a Team's detailsget(TBD) Update a Teampatch(TBD) Delete a TeamdeleteFetch a team's working hoursgetSkillsFetch list of skillsgetUsers(TBD) Fetch list of usersgetFetch user presenceget(TBD) Create a single userpostUpdate user's presence in a teampost(TBD) Create users in bulkpost(TBD) Fetch a user's detailsgetUpdate a single userpatchUser_PresenceBusiness HoursFetch the list of Business Hoursget(TBD) Create a Business Hours objectpost(TBD) Fetch a Business Hours object by IDget(TBD) Update a Business Hours object by IDpatch(TBD) Delete a Business Hours object by IDdeleteHoliday Lists(TBD) Fetch the list of Holiday Listsget(TBD) Create a Holiday Lists objectpost(TBD) Fetch Holiday List by IDget(TBD) Update Holiday List by IDpatch(TBD) Delete a Holiday List by IDdeleteOverrides Lists(TBD) Fetch list of Overrides Listsget(TBD) Create an Override Listpost(TBD) Fetch an individual Overrides List by IDget(TBD) Update an individual Overrides List by IDpatch(TBD) Delete an individual Overrides List by IDdeleteUser_PresenceUpdated 4 months ago Update a single userBusiness HoursDid this page help you?YesNo