Append message

While configuring flows in Webex Connect, you will need to use this node to append a message onto an on-going conversation with the end-customer. This node calls Webex Engage's 'Append message' API.

Node screenshot - Append message

Append message

Append message

How to configure this node

  • Drag the node from the 'Node Palette' on the left by searching against the name 'Append message'
  • Double-click to open the node
  • Select the Method Name - Append message
  • Select your configured Authorization in the Node Authentication field. It is recommended that you set this to a Default Authentication that has been configured in WxEngage's Integrations screen under WxConnect's Integrations as all your nodes across flows will pick up the updated token once you re-authenticate from the Integrations screen.
  • Configure the remaining fields based on the table below:


  • Channel - SMS
    Set channel to SMS
  • Conversation ID - $(n6.conversationId)
    Conversation ID obtained upstream in the flow from Create conversation or Search conversation node's output variables
  • Messages
    Set to one of the following options:
    • Single Message: Configure all associated values in the UI
    • Dynamic message (JSON): Pass a variable containing a JSON. Refer SMS schema here
  • Message Alias ID - Generally set to $(n2.messenger.transId)
    Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound or Announcement
    Direction of the message
  • Message Type - Text SMS supports message type: text alone.
  • Text
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$(n30.sms.message) from Receive nodes
  • Timestamp
    ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone - $(n30.send.sentDateTime) for Send nodes and $(n30.sms.timestamp) for Receive nodes

Facebook Messenger

  • Channel - Facebook Messenger
    Set channel to Facebook Messenger
  • Conversation ID - $(n6.conversationId)
    Conversation ID obtained upstream in the flow from Create conversation or Search conversation node's output variables
  • Messages
    Set to one of the following options:
    • Single Message: Configure all associated values in the UI
    • Dynamic message (JSON): Pass a variable containing a JSON. Refer FBM schema here
  • Message Alias ID - Generally set to $(n2.messenger.transId)
    Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound or Announcement
    Direction of the message
  • Message Type -
    Set to Text with attachments
  • Text
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$(n30.messenger.message) from Receive nodes
  • Attachments - $(parseDataAttachment)
    This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
  • Timestamp
    ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone - $(n30.send.sentDateTime) for Send nodes and $(n30.messenger.timestamp) for Receive nodes


  • Channel - Livechat
    Set channel to Livechat
  • Conversation ID - $(n6.conversationId)
    Conversation ID obtained upstream in the flow from Create conversation or Search conversation node's output variables
  • Messages
    Set to one of the following options:
    • Single Message: Configure all associated values in the UI
    • Dynamic message (JSON): Pass a variable containing a JSON. Refer Livechat schema here
  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound or Announcement
    Direction of the message
  • Message type:
    • Livechat Text with attachments
      • Text
        Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$(n30.inappmessaging.message) from Receive nodes
      • Attachments - Generally set to$(parseDataAttachment) in templated flows
        This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
    • Livechat Text with carousel
      • Text -
        Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$(n30.inappmessaging.message) from Receive nodes
      • Livechat Carousel Object - JSON or Flow variable
        Pick up from the Send node output variables
    • Livechat Text with quick replies
      • Text
        Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$(n30.inappmessaging.message) from Receive nodes
      • Quick Replies Object - JSON or Flow variable
        Pick up from the Send node output variables
    • Form Response
      • Livechat Form Response - JSON or Flow variable
        Pick up from the Receive node output variables
    • Livechat Carousel Response
      • Livechat Carousel Response - JSON or Flow variable
        Pick up from the Receive node output variables
    • Livechat Quick replies response
      • Livechat Quick Replies Response - JSON or Flow variable
        Pick up from the Receive node output variables
  • Timestamp (IN UTC) - $(n2.messenger.ts)
    ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone - $(n30.send.sentDateTime) for Send nodes and $(n30.inappmessaging.timestamp) for Receive nodes


  • Channel - Email
    Set channel to Email
  • Conversation ID - $(n6.conversationId)
    Conversation ID obtained upstream in the flow from Create conversation or Search conversation node's output variables
  • Messages
    Set to one of the following options:
    • Single Message: Configure all associated values in the UI
    • Dynamic message (JSON): Pass a variable containing a JSON. Refer Email schema here
  • Message Alias ID - Generally set to $(
    Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound or Announcement
    Direction of the message
  • Message type: - Set to Email
    Type of message. Only Email type is supported
  • From address
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • To address
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • CC recipients
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • Email headers
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • HTML email body
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • Plain email body
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • Stripped HTML
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • Stripped text - Generally set to$(
    Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
  • Attachments - $(parseDataAttachment)
    This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed incoming attachment array object from customer respectively
  • Timestamp (IN UTC) - $(n2.messenger.ts)
    ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone - $(n30.send.sentDateTime) for Send nodes and $( for Receive nodes

WhatsApp Business

  • Channel - whatsapp
    Set channel to WhatsApp
  • Conversation ID - $(n6.conversationId)
    Conversation ID obtained upstream in the flow from Create conversation or Search conversation node's output variables
  • Messages
    Set to one of the following options:
    • Single Message: Configure all associated values in the UI
    • Dynamic message (JSON): Pass a variable containing a JSON. Refer WAB schema here
  • Message Alias ID - Generally set to $(n2.whatsapp.transId)
    Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound or Announcement
    Direction of the message
  • Message Type
    Type of message
    • Text with attachments
      • Text
        Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$(n30.whatsapp.message) from Receive nodes
      • Attachments - $(parseDataAttachment)
        This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed incoming attachment array object from the customer respectively
    • WhatsApp List
      • WhatsApp List - Generally set to $(n30.send.response_interactive)
        response_interactive from the output variables of the Send node is WhatsApp List
    • WhatsApp Buttons
      • WhatsApp Buttons - Generally set to $(n2.send.response_interactive)
        response_interactive from the output variables of the Send node is WhatsApp Buttons
    • WhatsApp Interactive Response
      • WhatsApp Interactive Response - JSON or variable
        Construct a JSON as per the payload mentioned in the WAB schema page
    • Timestamp (IN UTC) - $(n2.whatsapp.ts)
      ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone - $(n30.send.sentDateTime) for Send nodes and $(n30.whatsapp.timestamp) for Receive nodes

Apple Messages for Business

  • Channel - Apple Messages for Business
    Set channel to Apple Messages for Business
  • Conversation ID - $(n6.conversationId)
    Conversation ID obtained upstream in the flow from Create conversation or Search conversation node's output variables
  • Messages
    Set to one of the following options:
    • Single Message: Configure all associated values in the UI
    • Dynamic messages (JSON): Pass a variable containing a JSON. Refer AMB schema here
  • Message Alias ID - Generally set to $(
    Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound or Announcement
    Direction of the message
  • Message type:
    Type of message
    • Text with attachments
      • Text
        Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes or$( from Receive nodes
      • Attachments - Generally set to$(parseDataAttachment) in templated flows
        This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
    • AMB List picker response
      • AMB List picker response - JSON or Flow variable
        Construct as payload as per the AMB schema here
    • AMB Time picker response
      • AMB Time picker response - JSON or Flow variable
        Construct as payload as per the AMB schema here
    • AMB Form response
      • AMB Form response - JSON or Flow variable
        Construct as payload as per the AMB schema here
    • AMB Quick replies response
      • AMB Quick replies response - JSON or Flow variable
        Construct as payload as per the AMB schema here
    • AMB List picker
      • AMB List picker - Generally set to $(n30.send.listPicker)
        Pick up from the Output variables of an AMB send node
    • AMB Time picker
      • AMB Time picker - Generally set to $(n30.send.timePicker)
        Pick up from the Output variables of an AMB send node
    • AMB Form
      • AMB Form - Generally set to $(n30.send.response_interactive)
        Pick up from the Output variables of an AMB send nodeAMB Quick replies
    • AMB Quick replies
      • AMB Quick replies - Generally set to $(n30.send.quickReplies)
        Pick up from the Receive node output variables
    • Timestamp
      ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone - $(n30.send.sentDateTime) for Send nodes and $( for Receive nodes
    • AMB Capability List - Generally set to $(
      Determines the supported message types that the customer's device supports


  • Channel - API
    Set channel to API
  • Conversation ID - $(n6.conversationId)
    Conversation ID obtained upstream in the flow from Create conversation or Search conversation node's output variables
  • Messages
    Set to one of the following options:
    • Single Message: Configure all associated values in the UI
    • Dynamic messages (JSON): Pass a variable containing a JSON. Refer API schema here
  • Message Alias ID - Custom Variable
    Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound or Announcement
    Direction of the message
  • Message type:
    Type of message
    • Text with attachments
      • Text
        Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes and corresponding variables from Receive nodes
      • Attachments - Generally set to$(parseDataAttachment) in templated flows
        This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
    • Timestamp
      ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone - Generally set to Custom Variable for Send nodes and corresponding variables from Receive nodes

Output variables

transIdAPI request identifier generated by WxEngage

Node outcomes

SuccessonAppendMessageSuccessMessage appended to WxEngage's conversation object successfully
ErrorsonAppendMessageFailureWxEngage failed to append the message to the conversation
onTimeoutCould not receive an API response from WxEngage within the agreed time-out
onInvalidDataInvalid data configured in WxConnect node
onErrorError in WxConnect's middleware services
onInvalidChoiceInvalid choice
onauthorizationfailFailed to Authorize successfully. Recommend to recheck Auth details in the Authorize Integration section
FailureAny other run time failures

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